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Shaping Trust: The Crucial Role of PR and Social Media for Nonprofit Organizations

Written by 

Tamara Wheeler

My colleague Angela Baldwin, a nonprofit leader and PR and Marketing consultant, and I recently hosted a coffee chat on the topic of the power of perception and how nonprofits can leverage public relations and social media storytelling to help build and maintain trust. There were a ton of takeaways, and here are some highlights...

In the nonprofit sector, building and maintaining trust has become a critical challenge. According to the Trust Barometer, Edelman’s annual trust and credibility survey reports that while nonprofits score higher (59%)  than government (52%) and media (50%), it scores slightly below business (61%).

So, if 41% of people don’t trust nonprofits, what is your organization doing to close this trust gap?

The non-profit industry faces fierce competition across North America, particularly among faith-based causes with shrinking rates of donors overall as well as reductions in attendance to places of worship. In this context, the power of perception emerges as a crucial factor in establishing credibility and fostering positive relationships with the public.

What’s your trust score?

Trust is the cornerstone of any successful nonprofit organization. Perception shapes trust, and in turn, trust influences the level of support and engagement from the community. PR plays a pivotal role in crafting and managing this perception.

1. Protect Perception

Demonstrate Impact

Communicating the impact of your organization is crucial for maintaining a positive perception. People may not always be aware of the breadth of your work, and demonstrating impact becomes a shield against misconceptions. The more our supporters get to hear about how donations were used and what the dollars, time, or items did to help fulfill the mission and their charitable intentions, the better for all.

Tell Compelling Stories

Identify good stories within your organization, focusing on the challenge addressed and the solution that supporters can provide through your organization. Focus on human interest stories, coupled with emotion and a clear call to action to capture attention, evoke empathy, and drive engagement.

2. Control Perception

Equipping spokespeople with proper media training is essential. Media opportunities can be risky if not managed correctly, or if the wrong person speaks to the media. Effective media training ensures that your organization's narrative remains in your control. Does your staff know who is designated to speak with the media? Do you have a process in place for planned and unexpected media interviews?

3. Amplify Perception

Social Media is Your Media

Do you think about your Social Media as your own media? In this digital era, nonprofits must be their own media outlets. Here’s a shortlist for covering all your bases:

Develop a comprehensive video and photography plan for every event

Share post-coverage with local media. This includes a brief press release and raw footage of what occurred. Landscape video footage is recommended.  

Raw and authentic content resonates with audiences, creating a more genuine connection.

Mobilize Your Followers

The better we are at engaging your audience with urgent requests occasionally, such as a call for Christmas gifts, back-to-school supplies, a freezer, or a call for Disaster kits, the bigger the boost is to your trust scores. Specific examples create a sense of urgency and prompt followers to take action, whether through donations, volunteering, or other means.

In the nonprofit sector, perception is paramount. Crafting and controlling this perception through effective PR and social media strategies not only builds trust, but also helps ensure that your organization's narrative is accurately portrayed.

By following some of these tips and quick wins, you can shape a more positive and authentic image, foster stronger connections with your communities and drive meaningful engagement. Just think, if you don't control your perception, someone else will.

How is your organization growing, shepherding, and amplifying the perception of your organization? We would love to help! Contact Tamara Wheeler at to schedule a brainstorming session.

  • 2022 Edelman Trust Barometer:

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