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7 ideas for reaching more people & raising more money this year end

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Masterworks Team

There are just seven more weeks before the end of the year, and we know how critical these weeks are for your fundraising efforts. At Masterworks, we have been fundraising for decades and have a few tips to maximize your year end efforts. We shared these recently on a webinar you can watch here. But, since you’re busy, we’ve recapped those ideas below.

  1. Send that email. Send it a second time. Make your emails relevant to your audience and do not be afraid to send the same offer multiple times with a different subject line. We’ve seen success with the same content sent on various days to produce better results.
  2. Channel your inner Spielberg: Utilize video content. Your video content does not need to be over-produced, and it can simply be a cell phone video. Who in your organization has a believable voice and a passion for your ministry? Let them share what you all are doing this month.
  3. Give donors a win-win through a DAF (Donor Advised Fund). This year end, remind your donors that they can give to you through their DAF. They get an immediate tax deduction and the benefit of supporting an organization they care about — YOURS! Do you have a DAF widget on your website so your donors can easily give?
  4. Practice lightning-fast gratitude: Send receipts ASAP. Thanking donors effectively is table stakes in this fundraising game. Receipts should be mailed 24-48 hours after a gift is received. We recommend using first-class postage to ensure they don’t receive another appeal before receiving your thank you.
  5. Never let them go: Test donation page strategies. You want to be constantly optimizing the user experience on your donation page. Should you test new ask arrays or new form fields to see how your donors respond? For online donors, we’ve found that using rounded dollar handles usually increases both conversion rate and average gift.
  6. Digital media should be always on. Our most successful digital campaigns are constantly using new creative to capture their audiences. Show emotion. Tell stories. Engage influencers. Make bold statements. Listen to the world around you. This is a brand-forward, reality-driven approach.
  7. Show me the Money: the power of a match. Matches can drive 30% more revenue and response. The match itself is more important than the amount of money you have for a match.

We are praying for you during this fundraising season! If there is anything we can do to help you in your efforts, we’d love to chat! Contact us here.

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