Masterworks Acquires Historic

Masterworks has acquired Historic Agency, a firm recognized for its exceptional work in brand, culture, and fundraising strategy for nonprofits. This marks a significant milestone in Masterworks’ ongoing journey to empower Christian organizations to accomplish their missions more fully.

In an era of rapid change and unprecedented challenge, we feel it is imperative that Masterworks adapt and evolve to meet the changing needs of the organizations we serve. The landscape of donor engagement, technology, and organizational strategies is constantly shifting, demanding innovative approaches and fresh perspectives.

That's why we are proud to welcome Historic and its exceptionally talented team into the Masterworks family. For years, we have admired and collaborated with Historic, recognizing the synergies between our organizations and the shared commitment to excellence and integrity in serving nonprofits. Together, we will leverage our combined strengths, expertise, and passion to provide unparalleled services to our clients and drive meaningful impact in the world.

“Christian organizations need new solutions to meet today’s and tomorrow’s challenges. Partnering with Historic allows Masterworks to build upon its decades of faithful service and offer new, innovative solutions to help Christian organizations grow and thrive.”

- Bryan Brown, President, Masterworks

This moment truly is historic, and we have never been more optimistic about our shared future of serving Christian organizations and helping them accomplish their missions in the world.

If you have questions about what this means for your organization or our partnership, please feel free to contact us.

Learn more about Historic